Aqua-Fit: Holistic training for endurance, strength and technique
Aqua-Fit is much more than just training in water - it is a highly effective method of improving strength, endurance and coordination in a gentle way. The combination of water gymnastics and deep water running in particular has numerous positive effects that strengthen the entire musculoskeletal system and train the cardiovascular system. The buoyancy of the water and the resistance mean that more intensive training sessions can be carried out without putting strain on joints, tendons and ligaments.
Water gymnastics: Strengthening and mobility in the water
Water gymnastics is an excellent way to train strength, coordination and mobility. In the water, the body and limbs are in a floating state, which enables movements that are impossible or difficult to perform on land. The three basic positions - standing, sitting and lying down - provide variety and train coordination.
Training in water allows you to strengthen static and dynamic muscles at the same time. While the upper body works dynamically by swinging the arms forwards and backwards, the core muscles stabilize the body in the water. The movement is not only more intense than on land, but also gentler. The goal is to promote health through targeted strengthening of the muscles and correct posture.
Correct posture during water gymnastics
Correct posture is crucial to fully exploit the benefits of water aerobics. By correctly positioning the spine and activating the core muscles (abdominal and back muscles), the body can work efficiently. A buoyancy aid specially developed for aqua-fit helps to achieve the optimal posture and promote diaphragmatic breathing.
Deep Water Running: Gentle Cardiovascular Training
Deep water running is primarily an intensive cardiovascular workout that, if used correctly, also improves your running technique on land. Since there is no contact with the ground, it is important to concentrate on the precise execution of the movements in order to avoid misalignment of the joints. The ankles in particular should be kept alternating between flex (forward) and point position (backward). This prepares the running style and strengthens the entire dorsal muscle chain (back, buttocks, hamstrings).
The right technique in the water
The special thing about deep water running is the instability that arises from the lack of contact with the ground. This promotes stable core muscles and good body control in order to effectively implement the power movements of the arms and legs. The most common stride forms - jogging, skipping and walking - should be used alternately, similar to running on different types of terrain on land.
During each training session in the water, pay attention to the correct technique and study the movement elements in detail. This way you can avoid overloading and improve your running style in the long term.
Aqua-Fit training session
An optimal aqua fit training session should be divided into four parts to cover all aspects of the training:
Warm-up (5 minutes) : Mobilization of the joints and mental arrival.
Water gymnastics (15 minutes) : Strength, coordination and flexibility are trained.
Deep Water Running (30 minutes) : Cardiovascular training and improvement of running form.
Cool Down (10 minutes) : Cool down and relax to initiate recovery.
Shallow water vs. deep water: what are the differences?
There are two basic variants of Aqua-Fit, which differ in the depth of the water:
Shallow water : Also known as aqua gym, training takes place in shallow water (up to rib height). Body control is easier here, which makes training particularly suitable for non-swimmers or older people. The contact with the ground enables high intensity, as the water resistance can be used in a targeted manner.
Deep water : Here the training takes place without contact with the ground. The special vest provides stability and allows movements to be carried out in all positions. This form of training requires good core stability in order to optimally coordinate the movements of the arms and legs.
Conclusion: Aqua-Fit as holistic training
Aqua-Fit is an excellent form of training that is suitable for both recreational athletes and ambitious athletes. The combination of water gymnastics and deep water running not only promotes physical fitness, but also health. The resistance of the water strengthens the muscles, while the buoyancy protects the joints and ensures gentle cardiovascular training.
With the right buoyancy aids and good technique, aqua-fit can be an effective yet gentle workout that improves both your running style and general fitness.